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Kender Energy to Enter the Electric Vehicle Propulsion Market

Kender Energy Inc. announced that through the process of hiring an engineering firm, it has discovered that its technology can be applied to electric vehicles.

According to the fundamental research reports, the two initial prototypes produce significant energy, however wear and tear was too high due to heat and lack of efficient components. Therefore, the engineering of the pre-market and industrial prototype will be based on a turbine structure that can be used to also power an electric vehicle both during the day with the heat of the sun and lithium batteries for evening use. This new concept will create a new generation of long-range electric vehicles.

“In our selection process we have met with several Engineering firms and one in particular is specialized in Formula One Race Car engineering and based on our conversation, the turbine and electric vehicle concept was born,” said Sean Kelly, President of Kender Energy Inc. “Our technology would allow an electric vehicle to go long-distances at higher speeds without the need for a charge while providing the efficiency and reliability the industry is looking for,” further added Mr. Kelly.

The company is continuing to review the engineering firm proposals and expect to unveil the winning bidder as well as the electric vehicle propulsion concept over the next several months.

About Kender Energy Inc.:
Kender Energy Inc. is a development phase company active in the field of solar energy. Its present prototypes of solar panels are being developed into a full-scale solar energy production system. The particularity of the Kender solar panel system and technology is to allow, via a closed circuit of gas (usually helium), to create a heat exchange with the sunlight and the air from the environment. The exchange generates the spinning of the helium gas in the closed circuit, propelling a turbine, which produces electricity in a 100% clean and renewable process. The system’s main advantages are that it is efficient, cheap in production, and modular. The company is based near Geneva, Switzerland. Its Website is

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