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Looking for that vintage style? Try Nixie tube displays

Looking for that vintage style? Try Nixie tube displays

MIKROE, the embedded solutions company that dramatically cuts development
time by providing innovative hardware and software products based on proven standards, has
launched Nixie Power Click, a booster Click board™ designed to provide high voltage for
powering Nixie Tube (cold cathode display) shields. This board features the LM2577 step-up
voltage regulator enabling a two-stage boost conversion from 5V to 150V. It also integrates
Microchip’s 16-bit I/O expander MCP23017 for precise control via the I2C interface and ADDR
SEL jumpers for easy I2C address configuration.
Comments Nebojsa Matic, CEO of MIKROE: “If you want to add the retro charm of Nixie tubes
to modern projects such as clocks, displays, and instrumentation, these Nixie Power Clicks are
ideal for creating visually striking and nostalgic projects.”
Nixie Power Clicks are compatible with MIKROE’s Nixie IN-12B add-on shield boards that
feature pre-installed IN-12B Nixie tubes that offer a character height of 18mm and the ability to
display digits 0 to 9 with a left-positioned decimal point. Operation has a typical starting voltage
of 150V with 3mA current per segment, which is delivered by the Nixie Power Clicks.
A new member of the MIKROE’s 1750-strong mikroBUS™ -enabled Click board family of
compact add-on boards Nixie Power Click can be used on any host system supporting the
mikroBUS™ standard. It comes with the mikroSDK open-source libraries, offering great
flexibility for evaluation and customization. Nixie Power Clicks, like all recently released Clicks,
features ClickID which enables a host system to seamlessly and automatically detect and
identify this particular board.

MIKROE is committed to changing the embedded electronics industry through the use of time-
saving industry-standard hardware and software solutions. With unique concepts like Remote
Programming/Debugging, One New Product/Day, Multi-Architectural IDE and most recently,
the Embedded Wiki™ platform with more then million ready-for-use projects, MIKROE

combines its dev boards, compilers, smart displays, programmers/debuggers  and 1600+ Click
peripheral boards to dramatically cut development time. mikroBUS™; mikroSDK™; SiBrain™ and
DISCON™ are open standards and mikroBUS has been adopted by over 100 leading
microcontroller companies and integrated on their development boards.