Globally-recognized third-party logistics (3PL) providerTransportation Insight has been selected by Inbound Logistics magazine as a Top100 3PL for a third consecutive year. In its July 2014 Super-Issue, InboundLogistics features Transportation Insight as an industry-leading EnterpriseLogistics Provider. The issue also includes a Knowledgebase article byTransportation Insight Founder and Chairman Paul Thompson which highlights theevolution of Enterprise Logistics.
“Transportation Insight is delighted by ourcontinued recognition from Inbound Logistics magazine as a best-in-class3PL,” says Thompson. “Since our company’s inception in 1999, wecontinue to evolve by introducing new technologies and sophisticated businessintelligence tools to move beyond simple execution-based transportationmanagement to predictive, strategic supply chain planning powered by analytics.Beyond that, we remain driven by a continuous improvement mindset to help ourclients gain and sustain competitive advantage.”
Transportation Insight’s end-to-end supply chainsolutions produce exponential results with customized, integrated offerings indomestic transportation, international shipping and warehousing. The industryleading logistics partner delivers and builds on the foundational servicesshippers want by designing supply chain solutions that create long-term value.Coupled with its Extended LEAN® continuous improvement methodology andproprietary Big Data solution Insight Fusion®, an interactive businessintelligence engine, Transportation Insight elevates itself from logisticsprovider to enterprise business strategist for hundreds of clients frommid-size businesses to Fortune 500 companies.
“Operational excellence is foundational to assessingthe value a 3PL brings to its clients,” says Felecia Stratton, Editor ofInbound Logistics magazine. “IL’s Top 100 Award recognizes those 3PLs thatdeliver tactical expertise and strategic vision to bring solutions to thechallenges facing today’s logistics professionals. Transportation Insightdemonstrates a consultative, proactive approach that helps their clients makeenhancements to the supply chain and engage in continuous improvement that canbring companies to the next level of excellence. For this reason we haveincluded Transportation Insight in this year’s list of prestigious Top 100 3PLsproviders.”
About Transportation Insight, LLC
Transportation Insight is a global lead logisticsprovider with more than $1.6 billion in supply chain spend under management.For over a decade, the 3PL has partnered with hundreds of manufacturers,distributors and retailers to achieve significant cost savings, reduce cycletimes and improve customer satisfaction rates by providing customized supplychain solutions. Transportation Insight offers a Co-managed Logistics® form of3PL, carrier sourcing, freight bill audit and payment services,state-of-the-art transportation management system (TMS) applications andbusiness intelligence. Its logistics services include domestic transportation,supply chain analytics, international transportation, warehouse sourcing, LEANconsulting and supply chain sourcing of indirect materials. Headquartered in Hickory,NC, Transportation Insight has secondary operating centers in Charlotte, NC,Bentonville, AR and Atlanta, GA, as well as more than 40 client support officesacross North America. For more about Transportation Insight, visit www.transportationinsight.com.
Inbound Logistics the leading trade magazine targetedtoward business logistics and supply chain managers. The magazine’s editorialmission is to help companies of all sizes better manage corporate resources byspeeding and reducing inventory and supporting infrastructure and bettermatching demand signals to supply lines. More information is available atinboundlogistics.com.
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