Anvis ROMS.R.L. officially opens its new production plant at Industrial Park South. Withthis step, Anvis is expanding the local production capacities of anti-vibrationproducts for the automotive industry. So far, about 20 million pieces have beenproduced annually. “The increasing capacity meets the growing needs of ourcustomers in the region,” Olaf Hahn, CEO of the Anvis Group, explained.Anvis ROM supplies clients such as Renault Group, Audi, VW, Porsche and Daimler,who are more and more shifting their production to countries in Eastern Europe.
“With thenew plant, we are consequently continuing the growth path the company hasstarted with the takeover by TRI (Sumitomo Riko from 1 October 2014) lastyear,” Olaf Hahn continued. In addition to the changing market conditionsthe new plant has also been constructed according to the newest process andenvironmental standards, so that the Anvis Group is also contributing tosustainability. Above all, the company is involved in social projects andcollaborates with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.
Anvis ROMstarted operating in 2003 with the same activities as today. The turnover inthe past year amounts to nearly 32 million Euro. The new building was built inthe period from June 2013 to April this year, which almost doubled the productionarea of 4,200 to
8,100 square meters. With more than 200 employees Anvisranks among the main employers in Satu Mare. In the coming years another 100jobs will be generated. Plant manager Florin Popovici welcomed today 80well-known politicians and economists in the opening ceremony.
Moreinformation about the Anvis Group: http://www.anvisgroup.com/en/company/news
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