Castrol Professional products have become the firstCOâ‚‚-neutral engine oils in Europe by successfully meeting strict internationalenvironmental standards.
EDGE Professional, MAGNATEC Professional and GTXProfessional have all been certified COâ‚‚-neutral by BSI PAS2060, the globalstandard with the toughest demands for measuring and managing the C02 footprintof a product’s life cycle.
John Ward-Zinski, Global Brand Director for CastrolProfessional, says: “Tackling COâ‚‚ emissions is a major issue for the automotiveindustry globally and Castrol Professional has made this a central part of ourworking relationship with manufacturers and dealers, as we develop ever-moresophisticated engine oil formulations. This is a practical step towards a longercommitment to innovate sustainably through continued technological andscientific advancement.â€
In 2014, 200,000 tonnes of COâ‚‚ are likely to beneutralised globally by Castrol Professional. This figure is expected to growto nearly half a million tonnes annually the following year.
Long-term commitment
Castrol is committed to an approach of both reducing andneutralising COâ‚‚, and is continuously looking at ways to reduce its COâ‚‚ impactthrough its oil development. As a next step, Castrol has committed toneutralising the remaining COâ‚‚ of its Professional products, based on feedbackfrom over a thousand franchised car dealerships globally.
Castrol will neutralise the COâ‚‚ produced throughout theentire production process by investing in a portfolio of emission reductionprojects such as reforestation in Kenya, clean electricity generation in Chinaand wind farms in New Caledonia.
John Ward-Zinski, says: “Castrol Professional iscommitted to achieving carbon neutrality using a globally endorsed and accreditedapproach, and we are firmly on the path to long-term sustainability. Weunderpin our COâ‚‚ neutral claims with good science including reduction in themanufacturing process and offsetting the remaining COâ‚‚. Castrol Professionalwill continue to analyse the whole of the product lifecycle, from cradle tograve, to determine how to neutralise COâ‚‚ emissions today and for thefuture.â€
The standard for neutralising emissions is BSI PAS2060,the latest and most comprehensive certification for COâ‚‚-neutrality that isalready well established across a wide variety of products. It is recognised bysustainability and climate change experts as best in class and meets thechallenging requirements of the global Greenhouse Gas Protocol. This method ofCOâ‚‚ footprinting is endorsed by the World Business Council for SustainableDevelopment.
The product lifecycle analysis, which calculated theamount of COâ‚‚ that needed to be neutralised for the cradle to grave life of theproduct was independently verified by internationally recognised third partyspecialising in sustainability auditing.
For more information on the COâ‚‚ reduction projects beingsupported by Castrol Professional, visit www.bptargetneutral.com
About Castrol Professional
Castrol Professional engine oils are developed by, withand for experts. Castrol works with many of the world’s leading carmanufacturers to design and formulate lubricants for latest-generation engines.Castrol Professional oils also have exclusive features, such as COâ‚‚ neutrality,tailored to the needs of franchised dealers.
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