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Kraton Enhances Polymer Offerings

Technology Allows for Revolutionary Process Capabilities and Performance Attributes

Kraton Performance Polymers, Inc. (NYSE: KRA), a leadingglobal innovator and producer of Styrenic Block Copolymers (SBCs) and otherengineered polymers, today announced the introduction of twonew hydrogenated styrenic block copolymers (HSBCs). Kratonâ„¢ MD6951and MD1648 present a unique balance of high elasticity, extraordinary tensilestrength and exceptional lower melt viscosity, which will allow for a host ofnew process applications to be explored.  Both polymers are an extensionof the versatile family of HSBCs – Kraton A and ERS polymers – and will enableinnovators to pursue melt blown, injection molding, rotational molding,compression molding, or textile processes, while maintaining the softness,strength, and pliability of their products.


Kratonâ„¢ MD6951

MD6951 is the newest HSBC in the Kraton A family, and hasan enhanced flow capability never before seen on the market.  It hasseveral potential applications, including soft touch over molding, whichproduces such products as cell phone protectors and power tool grips,protective cling films and sound dampening materials.  MD6951 maintainsthe reliability and hallmarks of the Kraton A family, such as softness, ease ofuse and compatibility.  Additionally, its increased polarity makes itcompatible with thermoplastic polyurethane, polystyrene, polyphenylene oxide,among others.   MD6951 is FDA-compliant, possesses exceptionalelasticity, and makes everyday products more durable, resilient and comfortable- adding value for product innovators, while expanding process applicationtechniques.  


Kratonâ„¢ MD1648

MD1648 is an enhanced rubber segment (ERS) styrenic blockcopolymer. ERS polymers are compatible with polyolefins such as polypropyleneand polyethylene – plastics used in such materials as elastic non-wovens forapplications such as surgical and protective apparel, diapers and industrialtextiles.  Historically, SBCs had certain limitations because of highviscosity making them unsuitable for fine fiber processing. However, becauseMD1648 possesses high elasticity and strength together with exceptionally lowviscosity, it can run on existing melt blown process equipment. This opens thedoor for manufacturers to create products that are more flexible, softer andcan produce quieter fabric constructions.  In addition, MD1648 may beleveraged to improve polypropylene modified household goods, automotive parts,hot melt adhesives like bonding tapes, spray and aerosol adhesives, and insulatingmaterials.


According to Lothar Freund, Vice President of Technologyat Kraton, “We are excited about what these two technical advances meanfor our customers and the future of the polymer industry.  MD6951 andMD1648 allow many different industries to explore new markets and uncover newprocess applications that were never before available.  We are proud tobridge this gap that will allow innovators across the globe to produce new andbetter products that will enhance our everyday lives.”


About Kraton Polymers

Kraton Performance Polymers, Inc., through its operatingsubsidiary Kraton Polymers LLC and its subsidiaries, is a leading globalproducer of engineered polymers and styrenic block copolymers(“SBCs”), a family of products whose chemistry was pioneered by usalmost fifty years ago. SBCs are highly-engineered thermoplastic elastomers,which enhance the performance of numerous products by delivering a variety ofattributes, including greater flexibility, resilience, strength, durability andprocessability. Our polymers are used in a wide range of applications,including adhesives, coatings, consumer and personal care products, sealantsand lubricants, and medical, packaging, automotive, paving, roofing andfootwear products. We currently offer our products to a diverse group of morethan 800 customers in over 60 countries worldwide, and are the only SBCproducer with manufacturing and service capabilities on four continents. Wemanufacture products at five plants globally, including our flagship plant inBelpre, Ohio, as well as plants in Germany, France and Brazil, and a jointventure plant operated in Japan.