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Theorem Solutions launches its brand new 3D PDF Publisherand Publish 3D software for users of NX and JT applications.


The first native 3D PDF Publisher for these file formatshas arrived, enabling both NX and JT users to quickly and easily createdocumentation containing interactive 3D data, published directly from nativefiles.


The process of publishing and sharing is simple.Theorem’s 3D PDF Publisher for JT enables JT users to create PDF documentscontaining 3D data using batch or interactive processes with additional serverbased versions available for high volume use.


For the NX user the 3D PDF plugin has a “save as”PDF feature from within the NX user interface plus a batch output capability tospeed up the publication process into PDF.


Most engineers experience the frustration of receiving a3D file that they cannot view because they do not have the native CAD softwareon their workstation, PC or tablet. From this problem the 3D publishing andviewing market evolved.


This piece of software is arguably one of the most widelyused applications in the world to view 2D data, text documents, images and 2Ddrawings. It already exists on most business machines around the world and isfrom Adobe. So take the availability of Adobe Reader and now embed 3D viewingcapability. You have just made 3D data exchange and 3D viewing available toanyone in the world.


Now you can share your CAD data with anyone with aworkstation, PC or tablet, anywhere in the world, without the need foradditional installed applications and knowledge of how they work, eliminatingthe problem of costly user licences that all organizations are faced with.


The potential for enhanced collaboration withinorganisations and throughout the supply and distribution chains using 3D PDFsis phenomenal. This will undoubtedly lead to reduced lead-times, fewer mistakesand better products.


3D PDF Publisher Supports


The 3D PDF publisher supports 3D annotations anddimensions (PMI) from NX and JT into 3D PDF as well as supporting model baseddefinition (MBD) processes for downstream activities in manufacturing and foruse by the supply chain.


The working PDF document can be annotated, shared andadditional media embedded. This could include text, PowerPoint files,spreadsheets, AVI movies and hyperlinks to additional online information.


The process can be further automated using TheoremSolutions Publish 3D package. Publish 3D will manage batch routines and willutilise available hardware and CAD licenses to publish the 3D model as a 3D PDFand then send the files to a distribution list via email, ftp or cloud basedcollaboration systems.


One exceptionally smart function of Theorem’s Publish 3Dis the ability to embed the 3D data into a PDF document which contains richinformation in other formats; such as text, forms, tables, images and video,plus you can package up the native CAD files in the same document publishingone PDF document with every piece of collaborative information (and anhistorical record of all iterations) required.


Once configured, Publish 3D will pull engineering datafrom a variety of enterprise-wide information repositories or ERP systems.


Embedding the native data into the PDF will allow it tobecome a transportation device. It is like an intelligent media rich zip-file.Another key benefit of 3D PDFs is reduced file sizes that can be emailedwithout the danger of it being blocked by a firewall or inbox capacity.Intellectual Property can also be exchanged in a PDF protecting the native JTand NX data.


A major step forward in collaborative design situations,is the ability to share data with non-CAD users to reduce ambiguity.


Theorem Solutions has over 20 years’ experience inproviding solutions for the CAD CAM market and in addition to providing the 3DPDF solution has the expertise to develop and integrate the document, formdesign and automation, seamlessly into any organisation.


If you would like to see and test drive a 3D PDF documentvisit:


Alternatively, for UK, Europe Asia Pacific Regions pleaseemail or call+44 (0) 1827 305 350


For USA and the Americas please email or call (513) 5761100


All product, company names and registered trademarks arethe property of their respective owners and are duly acknowledged.


Theorem Solutions works with engineering andmanufacturing companies to reduce the cost of project collaboration with theircustomers, suppliers and internal departments. The innovative and advanced datatranslation products and services provided also helps to protect the value ofengineering data and the intellectual property it contains.