Dow Building Solutions, a subsidiary of The Dow ChemicalCompany (NYSE: DOW), has successfully produced its first STYROFOAMâ„¢ extrudedpolystyrene (XPS) foam product containing the new Polymeric Flame Retardant(PolyFR) technology in Europe. The material, branded IMPAXXâ„¢, has been made forMichigan USA based Coastal Automotive, a supplier of energy absorbing materialsto the automotive, motorsports and packaging industries.
IMPAXXTM is the first commercial XPS foam product containingPolyFR in Europe. It is produced at the Dow STYROFOAMTM plants in Lavrion,Greece and Drusenheim, France. Coastal Automotive will use the new IMPAXXâ„¢material to produce pre-cut and custom molded parts for specific automotiveapplications. Dow’s IMPAXXâ„¢ is designed for the automotive industry, and isused in applications such as overhead systems, doors and pillar trims to helpabsorb energy during impact.
Sustainable Solution
Dow introduced the new PolyFR technology in 2011. It is astable, high molecular weight, non-PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic)substance. This more sustainable additive enables XPS and expanded polystyrene(EPS) foams to continue to meet the increasing demands of internationalsustainability regulations. Coastal Automotive has been working together withDow Automotive Systems and Dow Building Solutions on improving product qualityand performance. The new IMPAXXâ„¢ material containing PolyFR represents agreat leap forward in the environmental profile of the product.
The new Polymeric FR technology has received a number ofhigh-profile business innovation awards including the 2012 R&D 100 Award,the 4th Annual Michigan Green Chemistry Governor’s Award, and the 2012 WallStreet Journal Technology Innovation Runners-up Award in the ‘Materials andOther Base Technologies’ category.
Dow has made the PolyFR technology available to theglobal extruded polystyrene (XPS) and expanded polystyrene (EPS) foaminsulation industry through three manufacturing and marketing licensees. Theinternational licensees, Chemtura (Emerald Innovationâ„¢ 3000), ICL (FR-122P) andAlbemarle (GreenCrestâ„¢), have built commercial production capacity for the newpolymeric flame retardant amounting to more than 14,000 MT at the end of 2013which will be expanded to more than 25,000 MT by the end of 2014.
Dow Building Solutions will convert all of its STYROFOAMâ„¢XPS foam plants in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Japan to the newPolymeric FR technology. Because of the vast number of plants, this is a phasedprocess that started in Japan in 2013 and is followed by the conversion ofplants in Europe and North America. This allows for a controlled conversionprocess that meets our quality requirements in every region and at the sametime ensures product availability meeting global regulatory demands. All STYROFOAMTMplants in Japan were converted by the end of 2013.
About Dow Building Solutions
Dow Building Solutions has a 60+ year legacy of providingenergy saving solutions to the global commercial and residential newconstruction and remodeling industry, which began with the launch of itsflagship STYROFOAMâ„¢ Brand Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Foam Insulation, one ofthe most recognized brands of insulation in the world. A market-facing businessunit of The Dow Chemical Company, Dow Building Solutions offers insulation, airsealing and weatherization solutions backed by building science expertise tohelp builders, remodelers, designers, architects and home/building ownersreduce energy costs and protect against wind, rain and moisture, whilecontributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. More informationabout Dow Building Solutions can be found at www.building.dow.com.
About Dow Automotive Systems
Dow Automotive Systems, a business unit of The DowChemical Company, is a leading global provider of collaborative solutions andadvanced materials for original equipment manufacturers, tier suppliers,aftermarket customers and commercial transportation manufacturers. Ourmaterials focus includes structural, elastic and rubber-to-substrate adhesivesolutions; polyurethane foams and acoustical management solutions; films;fluids; and innovative composite technologies. Offices and applicationdevelopment centers are located around the world to ensure regionalizedtechnical, engineering and commercial support for customers and industrygroups. For additional information, visit www.dowautomotive.com.
About Coastal Automotive
Coastal Automotive, formed in 2007, is a dynamicsolutions provider which specializes in the design, fabrication anddistribution of energy absorbing (EA) materials for the automotive,motorsports, and packaging industries. In 2010 Coastal Automotive became thedistributor of IMPAXXTM, a Dow Automotive Systems product. Coastal Automotivestrives to be a leader in the automotive market by providing high performancematerials through efficient design, lean manufacturing, and on time deliverywith zero defects. For additional information, visitwww.coastal-automotive.com.
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