ReportsnReports.com offers “Global and China Carbon Fiber IndustryReport, 2013-2016”,
“2014 Deep Research Report on Global And ChinaActivated Carbon Fiber (ACF) Industry” and “Global and ChinaActivated Carbon Industry Report, 2013-2016” research reports in itsstore.
The Global andChina Carbon Fiber Industry Report, 2013-2016 [http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/275172-global-and-china-carbon-fiber-industry-report-2013-2016.html] available at http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/275172-global-and-china-carbon-fiber-industry-report-2013-2016.html
says carbon fiber is the new-generation reinforced fiber,mainly used in the fields of aerospace, wind power, automotive, sports andleisure. In 2013, the global industrial applications like wind power andautomobiles showed the largest demand for carbon fiber, namely more than 60%, followedby aerospace, with the growing proportion of carbon fiber application and hencethe demand steadily increased; while the growth of demand from sports andleisure was relatively slow.
In 2013, theglobal carbon fiber capacity totaled approximately 120,000 tons, mainlycontributed by Japan and the U.S.. The world’s top five companies — Toray,Teijin, Zoltek, Mitsubishi Rayon and Formosa Plastics shared 55% of the globalcarbon fiber capacity together. In September, 2013, Toray acquired Zoltek toraise its market share to about 30%.
Carbon fiber isprimarily divided into PAN-based carbon fiber whose utilization rate hits about95%, and pitch-based carbon fiber. In 2013, two-thirds of the global small-tow(less than or equal to 24K) PAN-based carbon fiber was produced by Toray,Teijin and Mitsubishi Rayon; three-fourths of the large-tow (> 24K)PAN-based carbon fiber was made by Zoltek and SGL; half of pitch-based carbonfiber was created by Kureha.
In 2009-2013,China’s carbon fiber capacity grew at the CAGR of up to 53.5%, reaching
18,000 tons or so in 2013. However, the immaturetechnology of Chinese carbon fiber manufacturers resulted in low quality, highproduction costs and poor profitability. In 2013, China’s actual carbon fiberoutput was only about 3,000 tons, with the import dependency rate of around76%.
In 2013, therewere more than 20 Chinese carbon fiber manufacturers, such as Jiangsu HengshenFiber Material, Zhongfu Shenying Carbon Fiber, Bluestar Fibres, Tianhua Excel-WaySpecial Fiber (Xintai) and Weihai Tuozhan Fiber. But, only Jiangsu HengshenFiber Material and Zhongfu Shenying Carbon Fiber achieved the respective outputof 1,000 tons or so.
Currently,numerous proposed and ongoing projects of China carbon fiber industry embraceJiangcheng Carbon Fiber Project Phase II (1,500 tons / a) and ShanghaiPetrochemical 3,000 tons / a Carbon Fiber Precursor and 1,500 tons / a CarbonFiber Project, both of which are planned to be put into production in 2014.
Global andChina Carbon Fiber Industry Report, 2013-2016, available for purchase at http://www.reportsnreports.com/Purchase.aspx?name=275172,mainly covers the followings:
– Supply and demand, competition patternand price analysis of the global
carbonfiber industry;
– Supplyand demand, competition pattern, import and export, price, proposed and
ongoingprojects of China carbon fiber industry;
– Operationand carbon fiber business of nine overseas carbon fiber
-Operation, carbon fiber business and development forecast of nine carbon fiber
manufacturers as well as the development trends of 20 carbon fiberproducers in
– Summaryof global carbon fiber production enterprises and forecast for supply
anddemand of China carbon fiber industry.
The 2014 DeepResearch Report on Global And China Activated Carbon Fiber (ACF) Industry[http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/275006-2014-deep-research-report-on-global-and-china-activated-carbon-fiber-acf-industry.html] available at http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/275006-2014-deep-research-report-on-global-and-china-activated-carbon-fiber-acf-industry.htmlis published in Feb 2014 and is of 158 pages. Companies profiled and analyzedin this report include Toyobo, Kuraray, Unitika, GCI, Etese, TCT, Anhui JialiqiACF Co., Ltd, Sutong Carbon Fiber, Jiangsu Tongkang, Nantong Yongtong, JiangsuKejing Carbon Fiber CO.,LTD and Qinhuangdao Zichuan. Providing 117 data tablesand figures on the activated carbon fiber market, this research report can bepurchased at http://www.reportsnreports.com/Purchase.aspx?name=275006.
Activatedcarbon as a kind of effective adsorbent finds wide application in watertreatment, food & beverage, metallurgy, chemical, pharmaceutical andautomotive industries. The report titled Global and China Activated CarbonIndustry Report, 2013-2016[http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/275437-global-and-china-activated-carbon-industry-report-2013-2016.html] and available at http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/275437-global-and-china-activated-carbon-industry-report-2013-2016.htmlsays, in 2013, the capacity of activated carbon across the globe outnumbered 2million tons/a, as opposed to the demand approximating 1.3 million tons/a,which was an indicative of severe overcapacity. Thus, a grim situation tointegrate or eliminate capacities is expected to linger in the future. On aglobal basis, activated carbon capacity largely concentrates in a few ofcountries or regions including the U.S., Japan, Western Europe and China. Inparticular, the capacities in the United States, Japan and Western Europe aredominated by a small number of industrial players, such as America-based CalgonCarbon Corporation with activated carbon capacity over 75,000 tons/a, and CabotNorit with the capacity of 60,000 tons/a. Others included Japan-based Osaka GasChemicals Co., Ltd. which was promoted to the world’s third largest activatedcarbon producer through taking over Jacobi Carbons in October 2013. Also, OsakaGas Chemicals has grown into the largest producer in cocoanut active charcoalmarket segment.
China boaststhe world’s largest manufacturer of activated carbon, with the estimatedcapacity in 2013 approximating 700,000 tons. In the market segment, China isalso regarded as the largest wooden activated carbon marker in the world, wherethere are numerous wooden activated carbon producers, but most of them aresmall-scaled enterprises with annual capacity between several hundreds of tonsand thousands of tons. And few can realize the capacity breaking 10,000 tons.The production bases of wooden activated carbon are mostly founded in Fujian,Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other regions with abundant forest resources,and the leading manufacturers cover Fujian Yuanli Active Carbon, Xinsen Carbon,and Zhixing Activated Carbon, the combined capacity of which claims 95,000tons/a.
In China, theproduction of coaly activated carbon concentrates in the regions which aboundsin coal resources including Shanxi, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. And the topfour coaly activated carbon producers in China come to Xinhua Activated Carbon,Huahui Carbon, Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group and Xingtai Coal Chemical,each with the capacity above 50,000 tons/a on average.
As stringentenvironmental protection policies are progressively released, citing”Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Action Plan” concerning theprevention of air pollution as one example that issued by the State Council inSep. 2013, China activated carbon industry is expected to embrace moredevelopment potentials. The estimate suggests the activated carbon output inChina by 2016 will reach 751,200 tons, while the CAGR between
2013 and 2016 will be 9.7%. Order a copy of this reportat
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