Steve Braig, Trexel’s President & CEO was recentlyinvited to and participated in the White House Briefing on Trade and Exportsheld on February 20th, 2014. Mr. Braig currently serves at the U.S. ManufacturingCouncil at the Department of Commerce, where he co-chairs the Tax and Trade& Export Growth subcommittee and has participated in past White HouseBusiness Council Meetings. Trexel is a major exporter, with 68% of 2013revenues generated overseas, mainly from Germany, China and Japan.
During this four hour meeting Ambassador Michael Froman,United States Trade Representative presented an overview of President Obama’strade agenda. This was followed by discussion led by Ed Gresser, Scholar inResidents, United States Trade Representative and Luis Jimenez, Counselor tothe Ambassador, United States Trade Representative. Presentations were alsomade by Brandon Belford, Senior Policy Advisor, National Economic Council onImmigration Reform and Economic Expansion and by Bryan Erwin, DirectorInternational Trade Advocacy Center, US Dept of Commerce on Growing Exports inyour Own Business. Sam Brown, Director of the White House Business Council, didthe closing remarks.
During this briefing it was clear the Administrationrecognizes importance of health of U.S. Export Industry to boost U.S. Economyand job creation.
– For every billion in exported value, about 4 to 5,000direct and indirect U.S. jobs are created.
– The top 3 export markets for the United States areMexico, Canada and China.
– The current U.S. exports account for 13.5% of GDP,which lags that of major global economies like Germany, Japan, China.
In 2012, the U.S. Plastics Industry exported goods of$58.5 billion, with an industry trade surplus of $14.9 billion.
“There was much discussion in the meeting about currenttrade negotiations with the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and theTransatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP),†noted Mr. Braig.“Administration officials stressed the need for passing the Trade PromotionAgreement (TPA) by Congress. TPA provides the Administration with negotiationauthority, limiting the role of Congress to only approving or rejecting a tradeagreement, without amendments or modifications.â€
“I stressed that while these new Trade Agreements andpartnerships are welcomed by U.S. Industry, equal emphasis must be placed onenforcing existing trade agreements. For example, some countries, like China,do not always adhere to intellectual property rights as stipulated inbi-lateral agreements or by the WTO. U.S. manufacturers need better enforcementof predatory pricing practices, by having State Owned Enterprises sellingsubsidized products globally. I also addressed concerns about statesubsidization from Europe in the aerospace/defense sector,†Mr. Braig added.
About Trexel, Inc.
Trexel, Inc., headquartered in Wilmington, MA has led thedevelopment of the MuCell® Microcellular foaming technology and has pioneeredmany plastic processing solutions. Process deployment as well as equipment issupported by teams of highly qualified engineers through Trexel subsidiaries inNorth America, Europe, and Asia. For more information, please visitwww.trexel.com.
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