The MOST® Cooperation – standardization organization forthe leading automotive multimedia network technology Media Oriented SystemsTransport (MOST) – is pleased to announce the conference program for theupcoming MOST Forum (www.mostforum.com)on 13 May 2014 in Stuttgart/Esslingen (Germany). Ganesh Moorthy, ChiefOperating Officer for Microchip Technology, will inaugurate the conference withhis keynote speech on Microchip’s MOST vehicle networking strategy as one ofthe key technology drivers behind MOST Technology. Microchip is deeply involvedin further development of the leading automotive network technology. Besidesnext-generation gigabit speed capability, MOST functions will be defined in thebroader context of automotive networking in general. The conference andaccompanying exhibition will again provide a platform for exchange andnetworking for professionals from the automotive electronics industry andacademia, includi ng researchers,designers, engineers, system developers, purchaser, and managers as well asmedia representatives.
Conference Program: Roadmap from MOST150 Rollout andAdvancements to Next Generation Networking
After opening the conference and welcoming the attendees,Henry Muyshondt, Executive Director of the MOST Cooperation, will guide theprogram. Following the keynote speech by Microchip Technology, presentations byAutoNetworks Technologies, TE Connectivity and Ultra Communications willintroduce solutions and scenarios for the future MOST physical layer.Compliance and quality aspects will be introduced by K2L and Ruetz SystemSolutions. During the lunch and networking break all attendees and speakers arewelcome to visit the exhibition area to learn about available MOST solutionsand realizations in brand new vehicle models. The afternoon events will focuson MOST network and system architecture by the Research Center for InformationTechnology (FZI), Microchip Technology, MOST Cooperation and Quanta Storage.Following the afternoon discussion and exhibition break, Daimler and Microchipwill round up this conference program with further presentations on aspects ofnetwork an d systems architecture suchas the launch of MOST150 in the new Mercedes-Benz S-Class vehicles and a lookinto the MOST future as the standard for in-car communication.
In the exhibition area, various companies will presenttheir innovative MOST solutions and applications. Amongst the exhibitors willbe the MOST Cooperation. Further exhibits will be by AUDI AG, Daimler AG,Hamamatsu Photonics, K2L, Microchip Technology, Ruetz System Solutions,Tektronix, Teledyne LeCroy, Telemotive, TTTech Automotive, Vector and others.Several partners will again provide their knowledge and expertise to the MOSTForum. These include industry partner ZVEI (Electrical and ElectronicManufacturers’ Association, www.zvei.org) andmedia partners Auto Electronics, Automotive IQ, Automotive Industries, EE TimesEurope, Elektronik automotive, and ElektronikPraxis.
Image Preview: http://www.alvacon.com/en/news/most-forum-20140224-2014-program/
MOST Forum Program: Roadmap from MOST150 Rollout andAdvancements to Next Generation Networking
Copyright: www.mostcooperation.com
Download: http://www.alvacon.com/media/images/MOST-Forum-2014-Program-.jpg
Conference Program
Registration and Reception Coffee, Exhibition Opens
Opening and Welcoming Speech
Moderation: Henry Muyshondt, MOST Cooperation
MOST Vehicle Networking Strategy
Ganesh Moorthy, COO of Microchip Technology
MOST Physical Layer
AGF Physical Layer Solution for Five GigabitCommunication Networks Hayato Yuki, AutoNetworks Technologies, Ltd. (SumitomoElectric group)
Chip Scale Package Fiber Optic Transceiver Integrationfor Harsh Environments Chuck Tabbert, Ultra Communications
Glass Fiber Connectivity for Future Optical AutomotiveNetworks
Markus Dittmann / Andreas Engel / Aberto Alamo-Alonso, TEConnectivity
MOST Compliance and Quality
Building Blocks for a Successful Verification Process ofa Tier1 ECU
Dr. Terezia Toth, Ruetz System Solutions
Test and Simulation: The Nerve Center of the MOSTTechnology Development Process Matthias Karcher, K2L
Exhibitor Presentations
Lunch / Networking / Exhibition
MOST Network and System Architecture
UPnP Enables Universal Control of In-vehicle MOST Devices
Prof. Dr. Oliver Bringmann / Sebastian Reiter / Prof. Dr.Wolfgang Rosenstiel / Dr. Alexander Viehl, FZI
New Data Types for MOST Function Blocks
Renato Machelett, MOST Cooperation
MOST Approach for Video Camera Systems in ADAS
Dr. Bernd Sostawa, Microchip Technology
Development of a MOST150 Around View Monitor on aMainstream Automotive Infotainment Processor
Wen-Jing Lin, Quanta Storage
Coffee Break / Networking / Exhibition
Insights into the Launch of MOST150 in the NewMercedes-Benz S-Class Dr. Jan Bauer, Daimler
MOST – the Standard for In-Car Communication Rainer Klos,Microchip Technology
Conclusion and End of Conference, Exhibition Close
About MOST Technology
MOST (Media Oriented Systems Transport) is a multimedianetworking technology optimized for use in cars and other applications. Itenables the transport of high Quality of Service audio and video together withpacket data and real-time control over a single transmission medium. MOST canuse plastic optical fibers (POF), coax based electrical physical layer, andshielded and unshielded twisted pair (STP/UTP) copper wires that meetautomotive environmental requirements. Today, MOST is used in over 150 car modelsas the communication backbone for their information and entertainmentequipment.
About MOST Cooperation
The MOST Cooperation (MOSTCO) is the organization throughwhich MOST Technology is standardized and refined so that it continues to stayabreast of the latest industry requirements. Today it consists of 16international carmakers and more than 60 key component suppliers. They havejoined together to work with the MOST Technology and to contribute to itsinnovation. The MOST Cooperation is prepared to embrace efforts to furtherdevelop and standardize the technology for other industries and to establishthe corresponding work structures. The MOST Cooperation was founded in 1998 tostandardize MOST Technology as a global standard for multimedia networking.Audi, BMW, Daimler, HARMAN and Microchip Technology are its core partners andconstitute its Steering Committee. For more information see http://www.mostcooperation.com.
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