ECOBATTechnologies, the European market leader in lead based battery collection andcomponent recycling, has bought the battery collection division from the LowerSaxon company; Must GmbH in Germany. Through this acquisition, ECOBATTechnologies will increase its presence in Northern, Eastern and CentralGermany. Must GmbH; located in Vienenburg is a leading waste managementcompany, specialising in process scrap and ferrous/non-ferrous metals.
Theacquisition is in line with ECOBAT Technologies strategy of expanding itscollection activities throughout Europe to offer their customers a pan-Europeanlead acid battery component recycling service.
Twostrong partners
The GermanECOBAT Technologies company BERZELIUS Logistik Service GmbH (BLS) and Must, whohave been co-operating very successfully for almost 30 years, and will continuetheir partnership in the future. “We are proud that Ingo Must, ManagingDirector of Must, will stay the contact person for the customers and takes careof their demand with regard to lead battery collection and component recyclingservices,†says Matthias Ernst, BLS Managing Director and European Director forECOBAT Technologies scrap lead and component collection and recyclingactivities.
“I’mdelighted that ECOBAT Technologies and Must GmbH have successfully completedthis transaction and ratified their future commitments to each other; and mostimportantly their suppliers and customers; into the future. This new entitywill provide world-class collection and recycling services,†adds Ingo Must.
Furtherexpanded service
Previouscustomers of Must’s scrap lead based battery collection division will nowbenefit from the knowhow and comprehensive service of the European marketleader; ECOBAT Technologies. The portfolio includes consulting, logistic,collection, transport, intermediate storage, container-management, recyclingand waste disposal.
The collectedbatteries are recycled completely in the secondary smelters and processingplants of the ECOBAT Technologies group. The European ECOBAT Technologiescompanies make the most of the lead battery scrap with a recycling efficiencyof 95 per cent, which is unique in the market.
“As theworld’s leading lead producer, we are excited to expand our scrap leadcollection activities in North West Europe and reinforce our reputation as thecustomer’s choice for collection and recycling services†notes Rob Harris,President and Managing Director – ECOBAT Technologies Europe and Asia.
In recentyears, the company has been establishing a deeper presence in collectionactivities in Europe. “Our increasing commitment to this activity will enableus to continue to support and complement our customers’ growing demand forhigh-quality lead products, alloys and services,†he continues. “Thisacquisition further demonstrates our commitment to our customers in developingthis sector.â€
Aboutthe ECOBAT group:
ECOBATTechnologies is the world’s largest producer of lead, producing over 800,000metric tonnes per year from over 15 facilities in Europe, the USA and SouthAfrica. ECOBAT maximizes the value of its operations by producing the highestquality lead and lead alloys, specifically designed for the battery, mining andother industries both from recycled and primary materials. In addition, ECOBATprocesses and supplies in various forms silver, lead anodes and sheet, zinc,aluminium, industrial minerals, plastics, polyfoams, and provides servicesincluding spent battery collection and distribution of new batteries.Excellence is the watchword throughout all operations, but particularly incustomer service, technical expertise and health, safety and environmentalmatters.
For moreinformation, please visit the ECOBAT Technologies and BERZELIUS websites www.ecobatgroup.com or www.berzelius.de
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