The premier edition of NextGen Auto International Summit China concluded, accomplishing its goal of providing insight to the future of China’s automotive industry. Held from 11 – 13 December 2012, concurrently with Automechanika Shanghai 2012, the three-day conference was heralded for its ability of bringing together some of the world’s leading experts on automotive technology to share their insights, experiences and achievements within the industry. Together with prominent government officials, the experts aimed to provide guidance on transitioning China’s automotive industry into a more sustainable and profitable venture for OEMs, part suppliers and service providers across value and supply chains.
Co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd as well as the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission’s International Cooperation Centre (NDRC’s ICC), the summit welcomed 360 delegates during its three-day run. Delegates consisted of strategic directors and senior-level executives from prestigious companies such as Continental, Mitsubishi Materials, Volkswagen and Volvo. During the conference, 41 speakers, 26 of which came from overseas, presided over discussions that touched upon areas such as the importance of government policy, business innovation and strategy as well as the implementation of alternative energy sources.
Sharing his views on the summit, Mr Jason Cao, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd noted: “The inaugural summit aimed to highlight the importance of government and industry working together to sustain the future growth of automotive technology in China. I believe this year’s conference achieved that goal. We had a strong presence of influential experts from academia, government and industry, who shared invaluable insight on the implementation of alternative sources of energy for automobiles. Our co-organiser, NDRC’s ICC, was also pivotal for allowing our delegates to meet and learn from some of China’s automotive policy makers. I believe through continued cooperation from both government and business, the summit will remain to offer an influential platform for China’s automotive market.”
Mr Li Gang, Director-General, Industry Coordination Division of the National Development and Reform Commission who was invited by NDRC’ICC, expressed in his opening remarks that “the summit is an important forum for the local and international automotive industry to exchange their views on new policies, technology development and market trends. The organisers also invite renowned automotive speakers from Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Sweden, Taiwan, the UK and the USA, along with local experts, industry decision makers and representatives from influential research institutes. They will share their experiences and valuable insights to explore new technology management and product innovation strategy.”
Influential speakers and informed delegates praise the summits thought-provoking exchange
The summit hosted 44 sessions with speakers coming from countries and regions including China, Germany, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Taiwan, the UK and the US. Discussions focused on the following areas during the three days’ event:
Day one:
– New policies, directions and priorities
– Trends in the international automotive industry
Day two:
– Business innovation, strategy and planning
– E-mobility and personal transportation
– Commercial vehicles and fleets
– Connected vehicles and telematics
Day three:
– Charging solutions and infrastructure development
– Energy storage and battery innovation as well as its safety and testing
Mr Liang Yuancong, Vice President, Shanghai Auto Parts Sourcing Center Co. and Secretary General, Shanghai Society of Automotive Engineers was a speaker on the summit’s second day. He shared the outlook on automotive technology’s future in Shanghai and sustainable solutions for its development. He said: “I think this conference offers high value since the organiser invites lots of experts to discuss both government policy and technology development. China’s auto industry has begun to reach a steadier pace rather than the rapid growth achieved in previous years with the focus on new energy vehicles.”
Fellow speaker, Mr Allan Larsson, Vice Chairman and Project Manager of Eibil 2020, holds a distinguished career in both government and industry in Sweden. He is also the founder and leader of HS2020, a project in the Stockholm neighbourhood, Hammarby Sjöstad, aiming to be a leader in sustainable urban development. Mr Larsson spoke about the importance of community engagement in order to transition to fossil-fuel free transportation. He praised the summits’ ability to allow European and Chinese firms to share their experiences, and exclaimed: “The conference was very positive. I believe the Chinese delegates were able to learn more about what we are doing in Europe and how our firms can help their own country’s development.”
Mr William M. Russo, President & CEO of Synergistics China, hosted a discussion on the importance of cross value chain collaboration and the importance of developing new business ideas in China’s auto market. He noted: “The summit is a good opportunity to meet and have conversations with the top industry players in terms of technology and business models. We had a very diverse group of participants during my session, including domestic auto makers and international experts, suppliers as well as people outside the industry but with an interest in its development. The diversity of ideas brought together under this conference was very enriching.”
Mr Rob van der Aar, Business Development Manager, TNO Automotive Safety Solutions, a sponsor of the three-day summit, spoke about the latest standards in battery certification based new international safety standards (UN ECE-R100). He said: “The NextGen Auto International Summit is a great event. We have learnt a lot about what’s going on in China, especially in regards to the government’s plans for e-mobility. We are delighted to learn about the country’s future goals as it helps us develop our business plan.”
Delegates to the summit expressed equal praise on the diverse and engaging topics and industry leaders present. Mr Rizal Nainy, Associate Director, NKEA, Electrical & Electronic / Innovation PEMANDU shared: “All of the topics were well-presented and the speakers were very knowledgeable. I was impressed by the topics related to the EV directions as well as the batteries recharging locations. We need more events like this summit to share and exchange ideas as an industry in order grow and make our businesses successful.”
Fellow delegate, Mr Lothar Grad, General Manager, Soehner Technology (Suzhou) Co Ltd, also commended the summit’s professionalism and ability to cover pressing issues in China’s auto industry. He added: “I think this summit provides a good platform for us to network and communicate with industry peers. During the conference, I found some potential customers who are interested in our company’s products and we talked a lot about the industry trends and the development of the China market. My time spent at the summit has been very successful.”
For more details about the summit, please visit www.nextgenautosummit-china.com or contact keiann.yip@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com
Ms Angel Ho
Tel +852 2230 9924
Fax +852 2519 6800
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is Germany’s leading trade fair organiser, with 538* million euros in sales and 1,891* active employees worldwide. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 28 subsidiaries and approx. 50 international Sales Partners, giving it a presence for its customers in more than 150 countries. Events “made by Messe Frankfurt” take place at more than 30 locations around the globe. In 2012, Messe Frankfurt organised 109* trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.Messe Frankfurt’s exhibition grounds, featuring 578,000 square metres, are currently home to ten exhibition halls and an adjacent Congress Center. The company is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40 percent.
For more information, please visit our website at: www.messefrankfurt.com
* preliminary numbers (2012).
Background information on NDRC’s ICC
The International Cooperation Center (ICC), a institution directly affiliated to National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), was approved by the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform in 1993 and funded as an independent legal entity. Major responsibilities and functions of the ICC include:
* Implement the cooperation projects of NDRC with international organisations, foreign governments and enterprises, and other international agencies;
* Organise international workshops, seminars and training programs on social development and economic system reform;
* Conduct research projects on economic and social development;
* Handle travelling procedures NDCR delegations for overseas study tours, training and working visits;
* Handle cases of visit by delegations from foreign organizations, civil associations and enterprises;
* Provide consulting services and introduce potential parents for foreign investors;
* Translate and publish documents and materials on China’s economic and social development, and system reform;
* Engage in setting up relevant economic entities
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