Within three days participants of a forum discussed a wide range of the organizational and legal and technical questions concerning development of domestic automobile industry branch. Thus the special attention was given to an assessment of efficiency of measures of the state support of this sphere.
Speaking at plenary session, the governor of the Kaluga region Anatoly Artamonov noted that in six months of this year more than 130 thousand cars descended from conveyors of the Kaluga automobile works – it’s about 12 percent of cars from all made for this period in Russia. Such result will reach “from scratch” only for five years. “In region tendencies of increase in release of cars and components to them, and also production localizations are accurately traced. Auto accessories make 15 enterprises located in the neighborhood with automobile works, 10 more are under construction or expand the productions. For example, the Polo Sedan car already more than gathers for 50 % from the Russian components which have been let out also in region,” – the head of the region informed participants of a forum.
Taking into account growing interest of investors this year in industrial parks of region the area of the land lots is increased by 800 hectares – to 5,5 thousand hectares.
Besides new platforms, suppliers can place the productions in brownfields that provides the fastest and effective start of projects.
At the enterprises of an autocluster more than 12 thousand people work, thus many experts arrived to Kaluga from other regions and remained here to live and work.
“The Kaluga autocluster becomes more and more appreciable phenomenon on the Russian car market. The area will continue to improve system of its staffing, the special attention will be given to development of the multipurpose logistic infrastructure corresponding to modern requirements,” – Anatoly Artamonov emphasized.
Within a forum his participants visited a number of the Kaluga automobile works, and also profile training center.
Official information is available on a site of regional administration: http://www.admoblkaluga.ru
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