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John Mullinix, Harrisburg, Illinois, a retired Army rocket fuels engineer claims to have achieved remarkable reductions in C0 & NOx emissions and, in some cases, fuel use by gasoline vehicles with the simple addition of 1 oz of diesel fuel to each 10 gallons of gasoline. Mullinix says no changes of any kind are made to the vehicle other than the small amount of diesel fuel as an additive in the gasoline.

In support of his claims for emissions reduction, Mullinix provided AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES with test data from a recent model Ford F150 pickup truck dyno tested late last year at Southern Illinois University. The test results follow for pre and post catalytic converter emissions values and with and without 1 oz diesel/10 gal gasoline. Test conditions are said to be at road load.

F150 gasoline HC ppm CO% CO2% NOx ppm 02%

Pre catalyst without 152.7 0.78 14.1 662.9 0.94 diesel fuel added

Post catalyst without 21.7 0.44 15.4 7.0 0.0015
diesel fuel added

Pre catalyst with diesel 144.8 0.7 13.1 755.0 2.02
fuel added

Post catalyst with diesel 10.0 0.014 15.2 0.95 0.02 fuel added

Mullinix is particularly pleased with CO and NOx emissions reductions to insignificant levels but acknowledges that there has not been formal testing for MPG. He says he
and a number of friends have experienced MPG gains of up to 30% with some cars in normal use when the 1 oz diesel/10 gallon gasoline fuel is used. He says vehicle acceleration performance is considerably improved.

Asked to explain why his simple fuel additive system performs so well, Mullinix provided AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES with a written explanation reproduced as follows:

“1 oz of any diesel fuel added to each 10 gallons of gasoline in the tank of a gasoline powered vehicle will cause an unburned amount of smoke or unburned carbon to enter into the catalytic converter and at the same time that the exhaust valve closes causing a pressure pulse will produce a flash caused by the ignition of the smoke in presence of oxygen within the very high temperature of the catalytic converter interior. The oxygen is drawn into the catalytic converter in a reverse flow from the outside atmosphere at the end of the exhaust tail pipe by the engine’s vacuous pulse caused by the closing of the exhaust valve repeatedly. The action of the oxygen into the flash also draws the oxides into the flash with it repeatedly, resulting in an approved function of the catalytic converter. The reason why the smoke is not burned in the gasoline combustion is because of its very high flash point. The improvement of this process is shown in the test results (above) performed by Tim Janello, instructor in automotive technology, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois”,

Mullinix reports that dyno tests resulting in confirming emissions data was also generated at John A. Logan College in Carterville, Illinois. He adds that patents have been applied for and that he hopes to hear from interested parties in a position to commercialize the technology he has developed. Mullinix can be reached at cloverboo (at)