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Evatran Rollouts of Field Trial Program for Plugless Power

Wytheville Businesses to Be the First in America to Offer “Hands-Free” EV Charging

Evatran, LLC, the makers of the world’s first “hands-free” proximity charging system for electric vehicles and extended-range hybrids, announced recently the launch of a field trial of Plugless Power™ pre-production units in and around Wytheville. Field trial participants include the Town of Wytheville, several businesses, and individuals, each of whom will be driving electric vehicles on a regular basis and supplying Evatran with feedback on the Plugless Power™ system. The electric vehicles, including three Wheego Whips, a Current from Electric City Motors and one ZENN, will be delivered in March, with Plugless Power prototype systems installed after an initial acclimation period.

According to Rebecca Hough, co-founder and director of sales and marketing for Evatran, “We recognize that convenient charging of electric vehicles is essential to their volume acceptance. We invite drivers to see for themselves how our proximity charging system can make EV ownership more convenient and enjoyable. We’re thrilled to be working with town officials, local leaders, and the owners of Trinkle Mansion, Counts Pharmacy and Smokey’s BBQ to make Wytheville the first locale in the country to offer Plugless Power™ to drivers of electric cars.” Hough adds, “MTC Transformers, our parent company, has been a leader in the Virginia business community for 20 years. We are continuing in this tradition by inviting other Virginia businesses to make our community a model for convenient EV charging.” Following the field trial, Evatran plans to extend its Field Trial program to other parts of the U.S.

The Plugless Power™ charging system will be ready for full-scale production by late Fall 2010. For details on the program and driver testimonials, visit

Evatran is the manufacturer of Plugless Power™, the world’s first “hands-free” charging system for electric vehicles. Utilizing a unique dual-component system based on inductive technology, Evatran’s Plugless Power™ will streamline the process of charging electric vehicles and extended-range hybrids by eliminating the nuisance of the cord and the plug. The result is an electric-vehicle charging system that is convenient, universal and reliable. Evatran’s customers are manufacturers, dealers and drivers of electric or extended-range hybrid vehicles. Other customers utilizing Plugless Power™ may include corporations, municipal governments, utilities, residential developers, new homebuilders, retailers and small businesses.