Carbon Sciences Inc. the developer of a breakthrough technology to recycle carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into gasoline and other portable fuels, was featured in the Headline News section of the October 27 edition of the Power Engineering E-Newsletter: http://tr.im/Degb. Subscribed to by over 45,000 power generation professionals, this weekly communication covers the latest trends and technological advancements in the industry.
The article, titled “New technology recycles CO2 into fuel,” points out that “cutting carbon emissions is a hot topic of discussion, with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency debating how they should handle power plant emission levels and the government is wondering the same.”
Sharryn Harvey, author of the article, and the online editor for the magazine, examines Carbon Capture and Recycling (CCR) technology as an efficient way to mitigate and recycle carbon emissions, as well as a viable alternative to controversial Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). Harvey poses the question, “Could carbon capture and recycling replace CCS or is it just an additional tool in the fight against emissions?”
Byron Elton, CEO of Carbon Sciences, points out that his company’s carbon recycling technology has the potential to fundamentally change the game, “If we are successful in bringing this to the marketplace, it is going to be the most powerful, sustainable technology available in the world.”
“There are many innovative solutions being developed to address our energy and environmental concerns, but many of them won’t be commercially ready for decades and are fraught with endless problems,” says Elton. “Carbon Sciences CO2-to-Fuel technology is an efficient, low-energy process, creating additional revenue streams for the carbon emitting facilities who may choose to use the gasoline they create on-site or sell it. Best of all, it’s a homegrown solution that allows us to reduce our dependency on petro-dictatorships.”
Power Engineering Magazine (www.power-eng.com) was established in 1896 and provides power generation industry professionals with the critical information needed to remain efficient and competitive in today’s market. For three years in a row, Power Engineering has been named the most read and useful magazine in the power industry.
The magazine was established in 1896 and serves electric utilities, independent power producers, co-generators and small power producers, power plant designers and other power generation industry professionals. It includes the latest news and trends, business developments, information on operation and maintenance technologies, project announcements, market analysis and technological advances.
About Carbon Sciences Inc.
Carbon Sciences Inc. is developing a breakthrough technology to recycle carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the basic fuel building blocks required to produce gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel and other fuels. Innovating at the intersection of chemical engineering and bio-engineering disciplines, we are developing a highly scalable biocatalytic process to meet the fuel needs of the world. Our solution to energy and climate challenges is to enable a sustainable world of fuel consumption and climate stability by recycling CO2 into fuel. For example, Carbon Sciences’ breakthrough technology can be used to recycle CO2 emitted from fossil fuel power plants into gasoline to run cars and jet fuel to fly aircraft. To learn more about the Company, please visit our website at http://www.carbonsciences.com
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