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Auto Dealership Saves $9,400 in One Month By Recycling Used Motor Oil

 Look at the numbers. In February of 2008, Downtown Ford Lincoln Mercury in Canton, Ohio paid $9,600 for gas to heat their enormous facility. One year later, they paid just $169 for their February of 2009 gas bill. What made such a dramatic difference? The addition of six furnaces and one boiler from Clean Burn that now recycle the company’s waste motor oil and turn it into free heat.

“We did 27,000 oil changes in 2008,” says Brad Black, owner and general manager of Downtown Ford Lincoln Mercury. “That’s a massive amount of used motor oil that we previously paid to have hauled away. Then we got smart. We worked with Gingerich’s Clean Burn to install units that recycle the used motor oil and provide us with free heat.

“There’s more than 35,000 square feet of space in our showroom, body shop, parts department, tire center, service area, quick lube center, waiting rooms and offices. A year ago it cost almost $10,000 to heat that space for just one month in the winter. Now it costs us a tiny fraction of that amount.”

Black, who believes the Clean Burn units will pay for themselves in under two years, feels good about his company’s investment. “This technology is fantastic,” says Black. “We’ve reduced the transfer of used motor oils on our highway systems and the potential hazards associated with transporting that oil while taking positive steps to help the environment. And, we have already saved tens of thousands of dollars in heating bills. I thought about making this investment years ago, but wanted to wait for better technology. I’m so glad I did. The Clean Burn units are paying back big time!”

Located at 1423 West Tuscarawas Street in Canton, Ohio, Downtown Ford Lincoln Mercury was started in 1985. The state-of-the-art dealership is happy to share the good news about their recycling efforts. “We’re telling everyone that comes into our Quick Lube Center exactly what we do with their used motor oil and how we’re helping keep the environment healthier in our area,” says Black. “That messaging has had quite a positive impact on our customers and our employees.”

Gingerich Clean Burn, which has sold Clean Burn units throughout Ohio since 1981, applauds the auto dealership’s investment in the recycled motor oil units. “We were able to provide them with a turnkey solution,” says Clayton Gingerich. “We went in and set up a manifold system that pipes the heat throughout their entire facility. These same units can also bring exceptional savings and benefits to agricultural, municipal government and trucking locations that have a great deal of excess used motor oil on a regular basis.”

For additional details on Downtown Ford Lincoln Mercury in Canton, visit For information on Clean Burn units available throughout Ohio, contact Clayton Gingerich at 800-589-3481.

There are 80,000 Clean Burn functional furnaces and boilers located throughout the world that burn approximately 120 million gallons of used-oil each year on-site, at the point of generation. This volume of used-oil would otherwise be transported on highway systems and pose a considerable risk to spills and/or contamination to the environment.

Clean Burn is an ENERGY STAR® partner. The company holds numerous industry certifications and works with the U.S. government, the Environmental Protection Agency and various associations to help coordinate the establishment of standards and regulations related to heat recovery and recycling efforts involving used motor oils. For more information on Clean Burn, visit or call 1-800-331-0183