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Roland Berger’s New Content Partner

First-hand, expert automotive know-how: the networking platform for the
automotive industry,, is now collaborating with the Automotive Competence Center of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants in the area of expert, automotive-industry knowledge.

Munich – Germany’s leading special-interest community for the automotive sector,, is moving to the next level: for several days, the automotive knowledge and networking specialist from Munich has been collaborating with the renowned Competence Center of the internationally active corporate consultant, and is offering its members exclusive studies, information and contacts from Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.

Facilitating Automotive Innovation

The goal of this collaboration is to guarantee members unparalleled access to high-quality technical and industry information from the automotive department of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. In this way, the extension of content from Roland Berger Strategy Consultants on the platform is a true gain for the industry, as the transparency and usefulness of exclusive knowledge ultimately facilitates everyone’s innovative capability. Knowledge as a production factor is once again acting as the motor for innovation and further development in the focus of automotive discussion.

Ralf Kalmbach, Director of the Roland Berger Automotive Competence Center, on the collaboration: “The aim of this collaboration is the positioning of our expertise in the automotive industry, and we see as the network for the industry on the internet.”


On, automotive “players” have the opportunity to exchange information on an international level within the automotive industry special-interest community. As a technology partner of XING, the online portal is more than simple networking, however. The website additionally offers its users the chance to share information about individual subject areas in groups and forums. And whoever is looking for new employees, or a new career perspective in the automotive sector, is in the right place on A separate job area displays interesting opportunities for career development in the automotive industry.

Three Language Versions Online

The automotive networking platform is meanwhile online in three languages. Users can access the added automotive value in English, German and Chinese.

Verification of Industry Affiliation

The new internet offer is aimed exclusively at employees of the automotive sector. Accordingly, they can join this virtual community with an approved email registration. After this, users are free to consume expert knowledge, publish information, or simply make contacts in the industry.